Want to Join Cub Scout Pack 464
Online application
What Is Cub Scouting?
Cub Scouts Belong to Pack and Den
Cub Scouts Do Things and Go Places
Cub Scouts Earn Awards
Cub Scouting Has a Purpose
Scout Participation: Scouts are expected to:
I'm interested, please have someone contact me.
FAQ: Joining
I would like my son to have friends in the unit he joins. Will there be many kids from my son's school?
We have a couple thoughts detailed here: Which Pack do I join?
Joining a unit will allow your son to make more friends. Most our our scouts are in either Walnut Trails Elementary or Jones Elementary schools from the Minooka School District. We do have scouts that attend school in the Troy District and the Channahon district as well. There are two packs that are based in Minooka. We share the area and help each other out when we can.
Where are the meetings generally held? And also wondered if you know what days they are normally held?
My spouse and I have schedules that vary week to week, and have younger children, what if we can't make it to every meeting?
Does a parent need to attend every meeting?
Scouting is a family program. The month Pack night meetings is a chance for the boys to be recognized for their achievements and advancements. We strongly suggest a parent, grandparent, aunt/uncle, family friend, etc. attend the meeting and share his moment in the spotlight. We also talk about the upcoming activities and answer any questions you may have.
Den meetings are a different story. Some meetings are at the school, other are leaders houses. Parents are invited to stay and watch, participate take photos, etc. If you have a couple errands to run, just make sure your sons den leader knows what time you will be back.
The Tiger Cub (1st grade) program is designed around having a one on one experience. The adult partner is their to help guide the boy and answer questions. We also find that adult partners are very helpful for keeping them focused on whatever is happening.
This sounds like a fun program. My son may have a friend who would be interested. How does he join?
Scouting is indeed a fun program. Scouts who have friends (or make friends) in the unit tend to stay active longer and learn more. Have your son invite his friend to the next den or pack meeting or activity. Please give your sons den leader a heads up to expect another boy.
If his friend joins our unit, your son will receive a "recruiter" patch to wear on his uniform.
How many of the meetings / events are mandatory to attend?
What happens at parent meetings?
Discussions and planning of upcoming events, decisions on budgets, registration fees, fundraising requirements and many more topics related to the operation of our unit. Come have a voice, your input is welcomed and you will be on top of what is happening in our unit.
Your calendar has plenty of meetings, but not many activities. Why don't you do fun things?
Yes. I am aware there are not many "fun" activities on our calendar. There are a couple of reasons. Our council, Rainbow Area Council did not have their calendar year fully planned out when we created our calendar. We left weekend open as the year progresses to be filled in with council related activities. Last year we were a small unit, and often found that events planned months in advanced did not develop as we anticipated. Our parent committee discuss new opportunities for events at each meeting and get them on our calendar as soon as we have semi-firm details.
Oh... everything we do is fun!